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“Helica Instruments Ltd believes in the concept of client and supplier working together in pursuing this policy and in continually striving for improvements in service quality.”

Maurice Howieson, MD at Helica

Company values

On a mission to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction at all times.

Helica Instruments was formed specifically to produce the Helica TC. Working together with the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, the technical aspects of the instrument were overcome and our solution, the Helica Thermal Coagulator, was put to the test by medical authorities and specialists alike. The name Helica is an abbreviation of Helium – Ion – Coagulation and which specifically refers to the Helica TC, an electro-surgical device commonly known as the Helica which in effect is a helium thermal coagulator. Speak to YOUR Doctor about the Helica TC

Helica Instruments Ltd are constantly researching and developing the Helica TC unit and probes allowing them to be used in a variety of surgical procedures. With the help of Consultant Gynaecologists who have assisted us in our trials, we manufacture open surgery cutting probes and laparoscopic cutting & coagulating probes. These are now used in several different operating procedures including but are not limited to the removal of fibroids (myomectomy), ovarian drilling & the division of adhesions. The innovative thinking and hard work was rewarded by a John Logie Baird award for innovation


About Us

Welcome to the Helica Instruments web site. We are the inventors and manufacturers of the Helica TC, an electro-surgical device commonly known as the Helica, which in effect is a Helium Thermal Coagulator.

The key purpose of the Helica Thermal Coagulator (TC) is as an instrument to overcome the problems associated with electro surgical devices in laparoscopic surgery. When compared to other treatments available like Diathermy and Laser, the Helica TC treatment is highly accurate and it is safe to use on all areas affected, even the vital organs such as the bowel and the bladder. These areas are not normally treatable by the use of other instruments.

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