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Spire Nottingham Hospital Installation

Spire Nottingham is the latest hospital to receive a Helica TC system. The Helica has been installed in Spire Nottingham theatres for the treatment of endometriosis. “Spire Nottingham Hospital is a state-of-the-art private hospital. We offer consultations with specialists in a wide range of treatments, supported by advanced imaging and diagnostic technology. Appointments available at a convenient time, you can usually be seen in as little as 24 hours. We’re committed to looking after you.” If you want to know more about our device please click here. To request an installation please contact us.

Daniel Cain

Daniel Cain

Content Manager

Solihull Hospital Installation

Dear All, The Helica TC system has now been implemented in Solihull Hospital. “Solihull Hospital, based near to Solihull town centre, provides a range of outpatient, inpatient and emergency care services for it local community.” If you want to know more about our device please click here. To request an installation please contact us.

Daniel Cain

Daniel Cain

Content Manager

Doncaster Royal Hospital Installation

Dear All, The Helica TC system has now been implemented in Doncaster Royal Hospital. “Doncaster Royal Infirmary is one of the key hospitals in the Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals. DRI is a large acute hospital with over 500 beds, a 24-hour Emergency Department (ED), and trauma unit status. In addition to a full range of hospital care, it also provides some specialist services including vascular surgery. It has inpatient, day case and outpatient facilities” If you want to know more about our device please click here. To request an installation please contact us.

Daniel Cain

Daniel Cain

Content Manager

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